A project meeting to conclude the RAW project was held in Kazimierz Dolny from 4th until 7th of March. It was attended by scientists from IG PAN, IO PAN and HVL.
During the meeting, the scientists presented the results of their work on the project, and discussed the next steps to be taken.
In free time from work, the meeting participants took part in a guided tour of Kazimierz Dolny, and also had the opportunity to taste local cuisine.
On March 7, a popular science event was held at the Museum of Polar Research in Puławy, during which scientists from IG PAN and IO PAN gave short presentations. There was also a premiere of the film “When the Ice Disappears,” directed by Kuba Witek, dedicated to field work on Svalbard as part of the RAW project.
The meeting was attended by about 100 people. There were students from local schools and citizens of Pulawy.